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Daily science - Climate change

The challenge that humanity has not realised yet

It is very disappointing that mankind is focusing on inventions more than conservations. People are not really ready to face the upcoming issue of climate change. If we haven't noticed, it has already started destroying a broad range of species to go extinct. Just consider the wildfire in the Amazon forest, it was the largest existing ecosystem with many species that went extinct without even being discovered. Well, you may be thinking, what does all of this have to do with conservation and climate change. To put it straight, those lives matter to bring a balance to our existence on Earth. If not for those species at least start conserving the nature that built you, or the future life you want to hold on this planet. Many people talk about patriotism to their country, their culture, their tradition, and etc. All of these are created within the human communities, but what about nature, and the Earth that created you to evolve to what you are now. The so-called intelligent species that are ever existing (the humans). We are really dumb to think of us as intelligent than all the other life on Earth. We are not the only once with super brains, just like every other species on Earth we also have a unique quality making us the survival of best fit within the ecosystem.

To lay it from the basics, think about all the factors we value for living. Some of them could be land, water, energy, transportation, wildlife, agriculture, ecosystems, human health, and etc. Now think about which of these are sustainable. I bet you can't name any. What do you think could be the route cause, let's blame it on temperature affecting all of the about in some or the other way. But why is there a rapid temperature change? (have you questioned) Well, it revolves around the great humans, I know not all of us are responsible for this. Still, us not taking any responsibility to stop or control it is where our drawback lies. If not at least for the beautiful nature, do it for the mechanical mind functioning just for the economy and money investments.

(source: Iberdrola. “The Impact Of Climate Change.” 2019,

What can we possibly do, the below is my list to help recover the climate change problem.

  • The first and foremost important rule is to spread awareness, make people know what this climate change is, how does it implicate us. Only when knowledge expands can there be a difference made. 
  • Plant more trees. This is something that does not need any limits. Plants are a very unique mechanical system gifted for our lives. They make use of or convert the inorganic substances we produce to something useful for our better living like food, water and sometimes even shelter. 
  • Reduce your water waste, significant to conserve.
  • Save your power supplies
  • This may sound a little hard but stop eating meat or at least reduce the consumption of meat. Those animals have a significant contribution to plant growth and soil fertility when their count decreases then you know it, our food also decreases. This has a more meaningful implication on the food web, causing the lives of other species to be at stake.
  • Recycle your waste to its maximum, this benefits a lot.
  • Maximise your renewable source of energy as much as you can, cause our every step taken to conserve energy counts to increase the life span of humans on earth. 
  • Reduce your automobile usage.
  • Avoid the use of plastics
  • One other major pollutant causing climate change is your clothes. These fibres should not be disposed of into bins, but instead, start recycling them. They are the other deadly pollutant apart from plastics causing dumping on earth.

These are the small steps we should take now to make a difference but remember just you and I alone can't change the world, we need the whole of the human force. Conservation is critical, so start acting now to avoid difficulties later.

To know more about the SCIENCE of climate change stay tuned...


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