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Showing posts from September, 2020

Daily science - Climate change

The challenge that humanity has not realised yet It is very disappointing that mankind is focusing on inventions more than conservations. People are not really ready to face the upcoming issue of climate change. If we haven't noticed, it has already started destroying a broad range of species to go extinct. Just consider the wildfire in the Amazon forest, it was the largest existing ecosystem with many species that went extinct without even being discovered. Well, you may be thinking, what does all of this have to do with conservation and climate change. To put it straight, those lives matter to bring a balance to our existence on Earth. If not for those species at least start conserving the nature that built you, or the future life you want to hold on this planet. Many people talk about patriotism to their country, their culture, their tradition, and etc. All of these are created within the human communities, but what about nature, and the Earth that created you to evolve to what

Daily Science : What happens if COVID-19 mutates?

What happens if COVID-19 mutates? Hello everyone hope you're all safe and healthy at home. Well, today I wanted to talk about SCIENCE for the current situation. Yes, the COVID-19, I know it's been long and that we have started becoming a little careless. Nothing is better than now, so let me enlighten you about why the spread should stop or slow down. It is an apparent reason on the bases of the economic and the political context that the people of the country matter with their routine lifestyles. But, what people don't know much about is the growth or the evolutionary pathway of a viruses lifestyle.   When the virus spreads from one body to another, it is adapting and changing every single time it replicates and multiplies with the influence of the human body's environment. Don't be surprised this is common within all species of life as well, we are all adapting to our surrounding to be the survival of the best fit. The primary alarming signal here is the adaptatio